In the Mind: Introducing a New Way to Win
If you have followed the blog for any amount of time you have probably picked up one major theme. I dont like what is commonly deemed as the lists to take. In fact I like to not only shy away from that but rather take what everyone else deems as garbage. I started out running Iron hills for my first ever event with all of the lower end dwarf heroes from Erebor. Then the next even I went with Azog and a bunch of hunter orcs all with two handed picks and that was awesome. Then I turned around and ran Angmar with the Tainted and buhdur in comparison to most peoples witch king and gulavar. I then proceeded to run Hunter orcs with all the little heroes and a gundabad captain bringing in 4 war bats for the heck of it. I then started a project idea that followed me for half a year. Men of the West. I told my good friend to pick a list for me to run for our grand tournament. He seeing his chance to put me with a list he could easily beat instantly said Men of the West. As the story goes. I didn't have a single model in the army. I ran a proxy list to test what i was thinking. I was simply blown away. It was insanely powerful. (If you want to read about the full journey look at my previous blog on that specific army). I ended up coming in 3rd at our grand event with the list. Simply to say ever since then I have gone out of my way to take odd, weird, seemingly skewed lists. I turned around and started running all cav Gondor with Aragorn instead of Boromir and all normal captains for the rest of the edition. as well as a radagast/gandalf combo with some laketown which was fun. I took what people said was garbage. I then figured out how they work. I firmly believe any list can be competitive.
Throughout this journey I wasn't running THE lists to take. But I wasn't going the hard opposite side either. I took odd lists that i liked quite simply. With this new edition on the rise and the comfort levels returning to normal the common lists are starting to flow along with the common opinions for what is deemed as good. The year started off with a friend of mine being sad because "Spiders are dead this edition" So what did i do? Decided to take the rise of the necromancer with spam spiders as my list and took down my first event of the year with the monstrosity of a list. I was also told f3 armies aren't worth it unless they have big heroes or ways to shut down big heroes. I also heard Rohan got insanely good and no cav can even compare to their sheer power. They have returned to the "Horse Lords." So me being me... decided we cant have that. So with all of this set up I present. The ultimate META breaker. Those that directly dethroned the Horse Lords in a direct matchup. Yes, you heard that right. That leaves only two options... but only one of those is a cavalry force.
The Wolves. I have been collecting this list for well over a year now and have now attained somewhere around 40 warg riders 18 wild wargs, Sharku, and a bunch of converted captains on wargs. Let me explain just why I think this list is the best dark horse list in the game. I would say the necromancer legion is way more powerful. But... thats at what that legion does. stops and kills heroes. This list does not do that. It has a completely different style of play. And it is LETHAL. Let me break down how to play this list efficiently as I have found. First lets do a quick overview analysis.
Strengths: Mobility, High numbers for cav, Tons of missile weapons, Tons of might, High strength.
Weaknesses: No big beat stick, low defense, lots of big bases.
This is where I would call this list "The Darkhorse" or i guess more of the darkwarg. Sharku flies under everyone's radar. He is f4 2attacks on the surface with d5. Not good at all... But on the charge he is 3 attacks (4 with cav bonus) and gains plus one FV. That is very very good. He can now reliably take out 4 troops a turn with his free heroic combats.
Why is this list the ultimate meta breaker? Well the style of gameplay it plays is ultimately completely different then every army this edition. It doesn't play the game. Rather, it plays THE game. You see most armies rely on simple factors of big heroes or magic that prevents those big heroes from cutting through swaths of troops and then you secure the objectives at the end. This list plays the opposite. You never give up the objectives that win the game.
Here is the gameplan. Every army in the game will not want to engage with you. You can wipe out cavalry forces faster then any other list other then eagles. They will even run. Infantry will want shots to deplete numbers so will deploy back. So its just get around the board and pin them in the far backfield and apply pressure. You can cut through troops insanely fast while gaining a better position then any and i mean ANY other list in the game. I have played this list quite a bit now and it is shocking how frightened opponents are of it. You outpace every list in the game with the amount of cheap might for march alongside already 10 inch move. You have more throwing spears then any list and can get to the mid 50s at 800 points. That is a normal horde army level let alone a cavalry horde... its insane. Now i will say 500-650 is the perfect spot for this list and at 500 it is almost unbeatable. It is so powerful and not enough lists have the tools to deal with it properly at that points level. but even at higher points i have been finding some success and I think only time will show that more. But anything with objectives is a piece of cake and maelstrom. INSANE. then the scouts rule is super helpful as everyone knows if they want their bows to be safe they need to be over 20 inches away further giving board control. and if they dont deploy that far back then move a few wargs as scouts and sacrifice them to turn off the enemies shooting. You have tricks, speed, and ultimately something no other list does. It plays the true game rather then focusing on just being able to kill faster or better then the enemy.
You take everything that provides you advantages for the long term rather then the shorthand experience of getting a few kills easier. You trade a big killy hero that kills other heroes for a small hero that can easily double his points in what he can kill. In just one game against some elves I killed about 5 elves along with Legolas and Tauriel after kiting them and letting them use their might to keep the cavalry charges from going off. He is dangerous to heroes when they lose their might. You have the tools to win any game. You have the tools for all situations. You can dictate the game if you hold the objectives early. It applies pressure which can lead to mistakes. That being said it is still a highly skill based list. But if you want a challenge or you want to become a better player then by all means go get this list. Look out for the next time we delve into the Minds of Moria to find what lurks within.