Khazad Dum:
Welcome back to the Minds of Moria, today we will be discussing the ideas behind 3 different ways to run the Kingdom of Khazad Dum in order to make a list without spears (or at least not many spears) work. The three main ideas we will be discussing today will be: Maximum Defense, "Avoidance," and finally the Grind. These are the three main ways to run this army in a pure build for maximum effectiveness.
Maximum Defense:
This might be my favorite of the tactics as it revolves around 2 main ideas. 1 you are always moving and 2 it is really hard to beat. On paper it may look just kind of straight up weak but on the battlefield this list becomes a beast that is really hard to counter. A great example of this type of list is shown through this Moria variant at 650 points.
Balin King of Moria (leader)
9 Dwarf Warriors with shield
6 Dwarf Warriors with Bow
2 Khazad Guards
Dwarf King Throwing Axes
10 Dwarf Warriors with Shield
2 Dwarf Warriors with Bow
2 Khazad Guards
1 Dwarf Warrior with Banner and Shield
5 Dwarf Warriors with Shield
1 Dwarf Warrior with Shield and Banner
650 Points 6 Might (+longbeard) 34 models with d7+
This list revolves around you being more likely to kill your opponents as with 42 models of dwarven caliber you can go head to head with nearly any list and seem unkillable with nearly everything int he game wounding you on 6s including most heroes. This means that while your heroes can easily clean up about 3 models a turn total and you have plenty of bodies and 2 banners to throw around to win and kill several other models a turn while taking very little casualties in turn. The sheer amount of high defense is so incredibly hard to get through as a common strategy against dwarves is use your might to kill them and then use the numbers you gain over them through killing to overwhelm them. Against this list no army can do that because of the amount of models. Longbeard in this list is extremely potent as you can spread your army out quite a lot since you do not have spears and the longbeard means you have quite a bit of models moving where you want always. Moving is the key. You have 8 archers with strength 3 bows that in some matchups will be invaluable. These archers are more of a phycological threat more then anything and are also an useful tool to bait heroes that are strength 4 towards since they wound these troops on 5s meaning you can set them up in a way to lure those heroes away from where they should be.
The avoidance type of list is simply take maximum bows and spam out throwing weapons with a few random shield men and then go to town. Again this is a list I like going to Moria for simply for longbeard. Longbeard with throwing weapons is extremely powerful. The list is all about threat range. you can lure them to you with some good shooting and your throwing weapons can harass them then the hitting power from a few decent heroes can do some work alongside the real show horses: The Iron Guards. Then as an added spice you can pull some random and odd shenanigans with one of the most fun heroes in the game. The list is as follows:
Balin King of Moria (leader)
3 Iron Guards
2 Dwarf Warriors with Shields
1 Dwarf Warrior with Banner
2 Dwarf Rangers with Throwing Axes
4 Dwarf Rangers with Throwing Axes and Longbows
Floi Stonehand
1 Dwarf Warrior with Shield
6 Dwarf Rangers with Longbows and Throwing Axes
2 Dwarf Warriors with Shields
1 Dwarf Warrior with Banner and Shield
3 Iron Guards
5 Rangers with Throwing Axes
650 Points 33 models 10 bows 7 might
Keeping you Iron Guards safe from heroes is the KEY to making this list work. Spreading out into this odd almost antifly formation with plenty of 25 mm wide gaps for your iron guards int eh back to run through is the best way to keep them safe while letting them have full effectiveness. You have 2 banners and fight 4 troops. That is REALLY good and is essentially having spears on your troops with that amount of banner coverage. Additionally you have a few random shield men to run into big heroes and just be a road block. Balin should also use the same technique of hiding then popping through a gap into a single troop a turn. He is NOT a combat hero. He is a great support hero that can reliably take on a troop or a captain but not much more.
The Grind:
This Build takes into account taking several bigger heroes that can cut through troops as well as some hard hitting troops backed up by a horde is shieldmen to simply well shield and let the elites and heroes do the work. This build is one where Durin fits in perfectly.
Sadly with the new edition many of the things i have written so far are going to be changed but can ultimately be swapped out for either a dwarf king or with Durin for the likes of Balin. A thing worth noting this is the list i am quite comfortable leaving home without heroic strike. Dwarf Kings are AMAZING and I mean AMAZING. Just yesterday me and a few friends played a massive Khazad Dum scenario centered around the invasion of the goblins and orcs of gundabad after the waking of the balrog and it was so much fun and throughout the game with 4 dwarf kings 3 of them had to face a dweller in the dark with no might throughout the game and only 1 ended up being killed and another losing a fate and a wound. they are absolute tanks to even the likes of big heroes and monsters alike. This list i find functions the best with a spam (armored or unarmored) with a hefty number of elites and banners thrown in with max bows that you often do not use.
I hope yall enjoyed the read even with some models that may not be in competitive play for long. the concepts still stand and when playing legacies so do all of these army lists. As you can imagine seeing Balin leave is very saddening to me but I'm just here for here for the ride. Again thank you for reading the Minds of Moria and I will see you next time in my blog regarding cavalry and my tournament and casual play experiences with ALL cavalry versus part cav forces!
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